Sunday 13 April 2014

Smart Fabrics
These are fabrics that CHANGE according to their ENVIRONMENT


Is a phase change fabric is used to maintain body temperature.
It is used in ski wear, outerwear and clothing designed for extreme conditions.
Phase change material changes its state e.g. from  liquid to solid.  Touch it and it feels cold but the encapsulated wax particles responds to changes of atmospheric or body temperature.

Thermochromic fabrics have the ability to change colour in response to heat. This can be used for novelty products or for health & safety reasons e.g. baby glow colour changing sleep suit.


Stomatex® replicates the way in which a plant transpires and passes vapour from inside the leaf into the atmosphere.

Stomatex® uses a pattern of dome-shaped vapour chambers, each with a tiny pore in the centre. While resting, excess body heat and perspiration rise into the dome-shaped chambers and exit through the tiny pores at a controlled rate.


Products such as vitamins, caffeine, aromatherapy oils or moisturisers such as aloe vera, are combined at the polymer stage and are trapped inside the fibre.
When friction is applied the molecules are released, creating a scented or health benefit

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