Tuesday 15 April 2014

Loop yarn

It is a type of novelty yarn which is characterized by its loopy appearance. 

The name “Boucle” is originally derived from “boucler”, the French word meaning “to curl”. The curls or loops of the yarn can be of similar size and can range from large curls to very small circlets. At least 2 strands of yarn are combined for creating Boucle. The tension of one strand is kept much looser compared to that of the other strand when the former is plied around the latter. The loose strand forms the looped EFFECT while the other, tighter strand works as an anchor and is called the BINDER yarn.

Sometimes, different colored yarns are combined together for producing a colorful yarn. 

Pictures of Boucle
The name BOUCLE refers to fabric made using this yarn. This type of fabric keeps the looped appearance which distinguishes it from other types of woollen fabrics.


View the YouTube link below to see how Chanel's jacket was developed using boucle fabric 

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